Tuition Remission Policy

Effective Date

Revised Date
May 1, 2023


Phone: 607-431-4315

Policy # 6.43: This policy details how Hartwick College employees and their dependents can take academic courses at the College and receive a tuition grant.

Policy Scope
This policy applies to faculty, exempt and non-exempt employees and their dependents.

Responsible Office
Human Resources

Hartwick College provides a Tuition Remission program that permits eligible individuals to take courses at the College and receive a tuition grant (100% minus any TAP grant). This program is available to faculty, exempt and non-exempt employees and their dependents (as defined by IRS guidelines). An individual may take courses, on a full-time or part-time basis, and a corresponding tuition grant will be credited to the student’s tuition bill.

The remission of tuition grant is applicable to regular academic year courses (fall, January term, spring), summer online courses, certificate programs, and to courses applicable for a first bachelor’s and/or master’s degree. Effective May 1, 2023, the one-year waiting period before an employee’s spouse or dependent is eligible to receive the remission benefit has been removed. A new employee is eligible to receive full remission for themselves beginning at the time of their employment, with approval from their supervisor.

The College requires that any employee, spouse, or dependent who qualifies for the remission of tuition grant and who is enrolled at least on a half-time status must apply for the New York State TAP grant. The TAP grant will be deducted from the remission of tuition grant. A student must meet the same academic requirements as non-remission TAP awardees. If a student fails to meet the expected academic requirements and becomes ineligible for their TAP award, the remission does not cover the loss of the TAP grant. It is the individual’s responsibility to make sure that they are meeting the appropriate requirements in order to receive the TAP grant.

The remission of tuition grant does not cover any other college fees.

Under Internal Revenue Code Section 117(d), undergraduate level tuition benefits may be excluded from the employee’s taxable wages, however, this does not include graduate level tuition benefits. Under Internal Revenue Code Section 127, graduate tuition remission is considered taxable income and will be taxed appropriately through the employee payroll process. Contact the Finance Office for additional details.
If a member of the staff with five or more years of service to Hartwick College dies while working at the College, their children shall be eligible for remission of tuition, less any scholarships, at Hartwick.

Applying for Remission of Tuition:
1. Once eligibility has been verified, Human Resources will notify the Financial Aid and
Student Accounts offices.
2. The dependent must also contact the Financial Aid Office for appropriate paperwork and
to apply for the TAP grant.