View of Hartwick College's Frisbee Field in summer

Together, We Soar

Join the Campaign for Hartwick.
Invest in our students; Invest in Hartwick.
Hartwick’s goal is not to simply evolve with the higher education landscape.
It’s to lead it.

Make Your Campaign Gift Now

We have raised $37 million toward our goal of $50 million.

This $50 million campaign centers on five areas which we must grow for our graduates to thrive and overcome modern-day challenges to succeed and create a global impact.

The Five Pillars


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What to Give

There are many asset categories to consider, and our philanthropy team is happy to work with you to determine the best solution for you and your family.

In addition to cash, you may have stocks and bonds, retirement assets, real estate, or even life insurance that could be used to establish an endowed scholarship immediately or over time.

How to Give

In terms of process, there are also several options. Will and trust bequests, IRA charitable rollovers, beneficiary designations and annuity giving are just some of the vehicles available to accomplish your goals. Each has various advantages including tax benefits, beneficiary interests, comfort and flexibility during your living years, and other factors which we can help you consider.

You can also specify how your gift should be used. Restricted and endowed scholarships allow you to establish the criteria that mean the most to you, giving you the peace of mind that Hartwick’s leadership will be good stewards of your generosity.

When to Give

Of course, there’s no time like the present! But a pledge made during this campaign will help us reach our goal – even if we cannot receive the funds until later. Bequests, annuities and other commitments can be established now, allowing you to live out your life in comfort, while knowing your (or another’s) legacy will continue.

Stories that Soar

The Campaign for Hartwick

Personal Growth: Translating Gratitude Into a Legacy at Hartwick College

Alumnus credits his experience as a student worker in Hartwick’s Admissions Office for launching him in his career.

Scholarship Impact: The Power of Hartwick

The moment when a student was made aware of Hartwick College’s network.

Scholarship Impact: Dorothy and Eva Newton Rowe Scholarship

The scholarship was established in 1996 through an estate gift by Jeannette Ingham "Trot" Waterman.

Yager Museum of Art & Culture: Custodians of Legacy Build the Future for an Industry

The museum has served as a research and preservation hub, and an incubator for future museum professionals.

Celebrating Their Relationship, Celebrating Hartwick

Their generosity continues a tradition of giving that started soon after graduation.

Carpenter ’88 Builds Bridge to Nation’s Capital, Real-World Opportunities, for Hartwick Students

Always keeping in touch with his alma mater.

Together, We Soar Campaign Committee

Colleen Connery ’83*
Kathy Fallon ’88*
Sally Griffiths Herbert ’88, H’19*
Timothy Herbert*
Larry Miller ’73*
David H. Long ’83, H’14*
Stephanie Isgur Long ’84*
Sarah Otto Sanders ’11
James Sanders ’13
Marina Regelman ’95
Mary Pat Lindsley ’86
Cathy Weeks ’81

* Honorary Chair

Hartwick College students sitting on campus outside Clark Hall on Founders' Way

Together, We Soar

The Campaign for Hartwick

Make Your Campaign Gift Now