Hartwick College campus view of Yager Hall bell tower

Volunteer Opportunities

There are many opportunities to share your talents and expertise. We welcome alumni and friends to serve as mentors, connectors, advocates, and more.

Alumni as Mentors

Hartwick alumni represent one of the College’s greatest resources: a diverse, global network of talented individuals who “lived Hartwick,” graduated, and went on to pursue their careers. By talking with students, providing advice or perspective, asking a thoughtful question, and coaching a student who is dedicated to pursuing a goal aligned with their experience, alumni play a vital role in student success. TrueBlue Connect is Hartwick's exclusive online Mentor Network.

Laurel Elder

"When we integrate alumni into our classes, students get new ideas about what they can do with their degree. Alumni offer career advice, and students build their networks."

Dr. Laurel Elder

Professor of Political Science

When supporting our students, Alumni Mentoring takes on many forms, both one-to-one and in group settings.

  • Advice and Guidance:  Join TrueBlue Connect, Hartwick’s exclusive online mentor network and be available to answer questions and accept meeting requests from students or fellow alumni.
  • Informational Interviews: Have an informal conversation with students to help them research their career interests, answer questions and make referrals and recommendations.
  • Resume/Digital Profile Review: Apply your knowledge of the job or candidate search process to help students stand out from the crowd on paper and/or online.
  • Mock Interview: Help students practice their interviewing skills and provide insightful and constructive feedback.
  • Job Shadow: Host a student in your workplace and give them the opportunity to “test drive” a potential career.
  • Career Panelist: Join a panel of your peers and contribute your personal insight and experience as it pertains to a particular topic.
Jorge Escobar

"Being a mentor doesn't necessarily require a huge commitment. Sometimes a single, well-driven, and focused 20-30 minute conversation can have a tremendous impact."

Jorge Escobar '91

Senior Vice President for Conversational Commerce Technology, Bank of America

Mary Allen

"In mentoring, I've learned to listen. And be open. Especially to students whose backgrounds are not my own. I've often had to change my perspective."

Dr. Mary Allen

Professor of Biology

Bryandt Stevens

"Steven Nanni told me, 'We don't look for perfection, we look for potential.' That has stuck with me. My voice wouldn't be where it is without his guidance, and I wouldn't be the man that I am. I feel comfortable talking with him about anything. He understands that I am a person, not just a voice."

Bryant Stevens '20

About his mentor, Artist-in-Residence Steven Nanni, Department of Music

Ming Chung

"Students are changing. Mentoring should be changing, too."

Dr. Min Chung

Professor of Mathematics & Department Chair

Reunion Representative

Reunion Representatives are committed and loyal alumni who help connect their classmates to Hartwick College and inspire them to be engaged with all that being a Hartwick Alumni has to offer.

There are many ways you can contribute to making a big impact on building and supporting Hartwick's Alumni Network.

Reunion Representative Role Options

  • Keep in Touch!  Communicate with classmates
  • Make Memories!  Create opportunities for your reunion group to meet up at True Blue Weekend and/or on TrueBlue Connect
  • Be a Leader!  Set an example and inspire others by making a gift to Hartwick College at a level that is personally meaningful to you

Become a Reunion Representative


Bresee Hall
Hartwick College
Oneonta, NY 13820
[email protected]