Your Place and your people.
Volunteer on Campus & throughout Oneonta
Make a difference in our community in the Civic Engagement Program by volunteering, raising funds, and working with nonprofit organizations as you put your Hartwick education into practice.
Clubs & Organizations
With a wide mix of on- and off-campus opportunities designed specifically for you, your FlightPath will help you get involved, develop valuable skill sets, and expand your horizons. From club sports to Student Government and volunteering to dozens of special interest groups, your only challenge will be which ones to choose.
Join a Fraternity or Sorority
Fraternity & Sorority Life (FSL) has been an important part of the Hartwick experience for more than 90 years and has grown in popularity.
Hartwick’s Office of Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging exists to contribute to the creation, influence, and sustainability of a community in which the dignity of all people is respected and affirmed through the promotion of dialogue and interaction between cultures.
Pine Lake Environmental Campus
Hartwick's Pine Lake Environmental Campus is a place for you to enjoy the natural environment, learn the history of human land use; and, through service projects, demonstrate environmental responsible stewardship.
Table Rock Trails
If you like to hike or are looking to start, check out the work of the Trails Committee. Our Table Rock Trails are maintained by campus volunteers.
Campus Arts & Culture
Art events, museum exhibitions, musical performances, and theatre productions are all available to you at Hartwick. Get involved by creating and sharing your own work with the campus community.
Not sure where to start?
It's never too early or too late to get involved on campus. If you don't know where to start, explore our full list of clubs and organizations to see what might be a good fit.
Check Out HartLinkNeed some help choosing?
We can help guide you as you get involved beyond the classroom. Our team will help you find where you fit best.