Understanding that students may face challenges during their transition to college life, the Wick Week experience includes a strong emphasis on wellness.
“It is paramount to have wellness events as we have no idea what knowledge students are coming in with, “said Health Promotion Coordinator Gianna Boveri. “And we want to arm them as best as possible and as soon as possible with facts, information and resources that will benefit them during their time at Hartwick.”
Elijah Polsinelli ’28, of Schenectady, N.Y., was among the many students who took advantage of everything Wick Week had to offer.
“It definitely helped me connect with future classmates, faculty, and staff in a fun and comfortable environment,” said Polsinelli. “This setting has allowed me to get to know professors. Being comfortable talking to them is a huge step since I am here to learn and grow.”
Associate Professor of Political Science and Coordinator of the First Year FlightPath Experience Amy Forster Rothbart says Wick Week is just as meaningful for faculty as it is for students. “We want students to see from the beginning that the faculty are human beings with our own foibles and interests and are here to engage with them and help them learn,” said Forster Rothbart.