Protection of Minors Policy

Effective Date

Revised Date


Phone: 607-431-4315

Policy #6.38: This policy details requirements for employees that work with minors on Hartwick College and at Hartwick College events.

Policy Scope
This policy applies to all employees, regardless of employment type and students.

Responsible Office
Human Resources


An employee, student, volunteer, contractor, vendor, or an employee, agent, or volunteer of a contractor or vendor of Hartwick College, who is a mandated reporter of child abuse or maltreatment by the state of New York, and who has reasonable cause to suspect any abuse of a child occurring during Hartwick College-sponsored or approved programs, activities, or events, on or off campus, shall have an affirmative obligation to immediately report such conduct to the appropriate authority or authorities as required by state law. All members of the Hartwick community are encouraged to report known or suspected child abuse, even if not mandated reporters.

Such a report should be made to the New York Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (SCR) and include the names of the victim and assailant (if known), other identifying information about the victim and assailant, location of the activity, and the nature of the activity.

SCR Mandated Reporter Hotline (24/7) 1-800-635-1522
Oral reports must be followed within 48 hours by a written report to the local Department of social services. Visit, click on forms, then search for form LDSS-2221A.
Notice of this report should also be promptly made to one of the College officials listed below:


    • Michael Arno, Title IX Coordinator/College Compliance Officer, 607-431-4293
    • Cary Dresher, Assistant Vice President of Student Experience/Deputy Title IX Coordinator, 607-431-4532

  • John Czarnecki, Athletic Director/Deputy Title IX Coordinator, 607-431-4702


You are a mandated reporter if you will have custody, control, or supervision of minors (individuals under the age of 17). This includes, but is not limited to, healthcare providers, mental health professionals, directors and counselors at camps, campus safety officers, a student working with children as part of their class or a clinic, and other hosts or supervisors of minors on campus. A person is not considered a minor if they are a matriculated student of the College or a student accepted for matriculation.

All mandated reporters must complete required training from a provider approved by The New York State Education Department (SED) Office of Professions prior to working with minors.