Purchasing Services


Requisitions are used to create purchase orders placed with vendors. The Office of Financial Services will make the orders directly with vendors and copy the purchaser on all relevant order information. Please click the link below for detailed instructions on our Purchasing policies and procedures.

In addition, orders for business cards and name tags should be placed by clicking the appropriate link below.

Purchasing Policies & Procedures

Faculty and staff who need to order business cards should complete the form below. Please carefully review your order before submitting. Your order will be processed by the Office of Financial Services, exactly as submitted. Orders may take up to one month to be delivered, due to processing and mailing time.

Please note: You do not need to complete all phone/fax fields. Any information provided in this form will appear on your business cards. However, your order must include your 14-digit office account number for processing.

A proof of your order will be sent to you directly from the printer. Your order will not be printed until you approve the proof and communicate your approval directly to the printing vendor.

Estimated costs range between $115-130 depending on quantity.


Faculty and staff who wish to order name tags should complete the form below. Your order will be processed by the Office of Financial Services. Please be sure to place your order well in advance of when you will need the tag. Orders may take up to one month to be delivered, due to processing and mailing time.

Your order will be processed exactly as submitted, including abbreviations, so please double-check each field for accuracy. Your information will be cut off if it exceeds the allotted space.

Hartwick name badges are 3” x 1.5”, have a white background, blue lettering, and magnetic backing. Name badges cost $8 each.

If you require an additional line (for a long name or title), please email the Office of Financial Services at [email protected]. $1 will be added to the cost of the tag for an extra line.

A proof of your order will be sent to you directly from the printer. Your order will not be printed until you approve the proof and communicate your approval directly to the printing vendor.

-The first line, HARTWICK COLLEGE, is standard.
-The second line is for your name.
-The third line is for your title or department.

Name Tag Order


Travel arrangements should be made using the same requisition approval processes as outlined in our Purchasing Policies. Staff and Faculty who expect to travel regularly may request a Hartwick Credit Card from their department Vice President. Please refer to our Travel & Credit Card Policy Page for more information.

Read Complete Travel & Credit Card Policy



College Fleet Reservations

Fleet Vehicle Request Form

Hartwick-owned vehicles are for college-related use only and support College business, academic, student activity, and intercollegiate programs. Any authorized college department or organization can request them on a first-come, first-served basis, except the School of Nursing and the Global Education Department, which have priority access to availability. Faculty and administrative use of vans is authorized while on College business.

All faculty, staff, and students must be approved as authorized drivers before driving any College vehicle.

Requests for authorization must be made through Campus Safety at least one week before vehicle use and include the completion of an acceptable motor vehicle records check.

The authorization process for the 12-passenger vans also includes the completion of driver safety training.

Trips that include longer driving durations may require more than one authorized driver.

5 x 12-Passenger Vans
3 x 7-Passenger Vans
The primary use of these vehicles is designated for student clubs and student government activities. These departments will have priority over these vehicles up to 7 days before departure.

1 x Light Duty Truck
The primary use of this vehicle is designated for Pine Lake but can be reserved by others.

Please reserve the vehicle appropriate for the size of your group.

All van requests should be coordinated by individual departments/organizations and submitted using the Vehicle Request form, which can also be found on the Hartwick College Purchasing Services page.

The requestor is responsible for providing accurate information regarding the event dates, the account to be charged, the authorized driver, and other information as required. Any request and the information included within must be approved by the supervisor responsible for the activity.

Any request and its associated information must be approved by the supervisor responsible for the activity.

Reservation requests should be submitted at least two weeks in advance on a fully completed Vehicle Reservation Request. Requests that have missing information will not be accepted.

The Finance Office has a travel coordinator who is responsible for making arrangements and maintaining the vehicle schedule.

Upon receipt of completed request forms, the travel coordinator in the Finance Office will confirm the reservation within 24 hours or on the following business day. The requesting department will be placed on a waiting list if no vehicles are available for the travel date. Some vehicles are held for the use of priority groups. If these groups do not reserve the vehicle and there are fewer than two weeks until the event date, the vehicle will be made available to others on a first-come, first-served basis. The travel coordinator will confirm with Pine Lake staff if the truck is available before approving any reservations.

Groups are encouraged to request vans as far in advance as possible to avoid any reservation conflicts.

Confirmed van reservations will only be canceled if the vehicle experiences mechanical difficulties or a weather emergency makes travel inadvisable.

Groups must also immediately notify the travel coordinator in the Finance Office if they wish to cancel a reservation.

In addition to the daily rental fee, $0.20 per mile will be charged to the authorized account as submitted with the van request.

Gas must be purchased using the gas card available in the vehicle.

Hartwick College Clubs are exempt from daily rental fees and mileage when signing out their designated minivans. Vehicles must still be returned full of gas, free of rubbish, undamaged and with both keys intact.

Keys are signed out at the Campus Safety Dispatch located on the 3rd floor of Dewar Hall. Campus Safety Dispatch is available 24 hours a day.

Vans will only be released to the authorized driver on the reservation calendar. Drivers must have their driver’s license with them to check out the vehicle and at all times.

The 12 and 7-passenger vans are located at Miller Court parking area.

Hartwick College vehicle signage will be located in each vehicle and must be displayed on the outside of the vehicle before leaving the lot.

Each vehicle will have an information packet that includes gas cards to refuel the vehicle and wrap-up sheets.

Authorized drivers are responsible for conducting a walk-around vehicle inspection before departure. The following items should be inspected:

Lights (headlights, directional and tail lights) are functioning correctly.

No annunciator lights (check engine, etc.) appear on the vehicle’s dashboard.

Visually check the tires, make sure the tires appear to be adequately inflated and there are no fluid leaks underneath the vehicle.

Safety equipment (tire jack, spare tire, fire extinguisher) is available.

Verify that the glove compartment contains the vehicle registration, insurance cards and the Hartwick College accident report form.

Look for any interior and exterior damage or missing items.

If any inspection deficiency is discovered before departure, notify the travel coordinator during business hours or Campus Safety after hours. Do not proceed with the trip until repairs or alternate accommodations can be made if needed.

Verify that the gas tank is full before departure. If the vehicle requires fuel, a gas card is available. Document the gallons, amount and gas station used on the log sheet.

Vehicles are to be returned REFUELED to Miller Court immediately upon conclusion of an authorized trip, following the discharge of any passengers.

Upon the conclusion of the trip, all debris/rubbish in the vehicle must be removed by the driver and disposed of accordingly in nearby trash/recycling containers.

Remove the Hartwick College signage from the vehicle and place it back in the vehicle.

Before leaving the vehicle at Miller Court, conduct a final inspection, ensuring there is no new damage or missing items, all windows are up and the vehicle is locked. If any new inspection deficiency is discovered, notify the travel coordinator or Campus Safety. Return the keys to Campus Safety Dispatch.

Any missing items or new damage to a vehicle upon return/check-in will be the responsibility of the organization or department that used the vehicle. The cost of replacement or repair will be billed to that account if user negligence is determined.

Vehicle rentals are subject to certain fees, including daily rental rate, mileage, cleaning, seat removal, lost key, gas refill and a fee for failure to return their wrap-up sheet to the travel coordinator in the Finance Office. The fee schedule is subject to change and review based on rising costs annually.

The 2023-24 fee schedule:
$30 – Minivan
$60 – 12-Passenger
100 – Truck
0.20 per mile

Additional fees:
$200 – Lost key
$50 – Seats removal
$50 – Cleaning fee (if all debris is not removed)
$25 – Failure to Return the Wrap-Up Sheet
$25 – Gas Fee (Less than 1/2 tank)


Finance Office
Phone: 607-431-4344
Fax: 607-431-4108
Email: [email protected]