Institutional Review Board

Hartwick’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) is charged with protecting the rights and welfare of human subjects recruited to participate in selected research activities conducted under the auspices of investigators affiliated with Hartwick College, including student investigators.


IRB Chair:
Elena Chernyak, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology

Melody Best, Assistant Professor of Nursing
William J. Gleiberman-Kowalczyk, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Zachary McKenney, Assistant Professor of Sociology
Justin Wellman, Assistant Professor of Psychology

External Reviewers:
Richard A. Rothermel

Carla Kinser, IRB Administrator

Membership of Hartwick’s IRB is determined according to the Hartwick College Institutional Review Board Policy.

1. Complete required Human Research Subjects Protection Training. Once training is completed, a transcript is automatically emailed to

2. Consider whether your project is “research” and if it should be exempt or reviewed, given guidelines reviewed in your training.

3. Contact if you have additional questions. The IRB will determine if project requires IRB review or is exempt.

4. Complete the IRB Project Proposal form. The form and complete instructions for submission can be found on the IRB Form page.

5. You will receive an electronic acknowledgment of receipt of your proposal and all relevant attachments from the IRB.

6. Respond promptly to any IRB feedback or requests received electronically before or after IRB review. Do not start project work until your proposal has been approved.

7. You should allow at least 14 days for your proposal to be reviewed and, if modifications are required, it could take longer.

It is the responsibility of all investigators to:
1. Complete required Human Research Subjects Protection Training prior to submitting any research to the IRB for review.

2. Acknowledge and accept your responsibility to protect the rights and welfare of human research participants and comply with all applicable regulations.

3. Understand and follow Hartwick’s instructions for research review.

4. Submit human subjects research proposals to the IRB for approval prior to conducting the research. If you have questions pertaining to the review decision, you have the option of requesting further IRB review.

5. Provide a copy of the IRB approved consent form to each participant at the time of consent, unless the IRB approves a waiver of this requirement.

6. Submit the original, signed consent forms to the IRB for storage as soon as possible, no later than project completion.

7. Promptly send the IRB written notification of any changes you want to make to your approved project, and do not implement any of these changes until they are approved by the IRB.

8. Notify immediately if any unanticipated problems arise in your study (participant complaints, injuries, etc.) that involve risks to participants.

9. Understand that implementation of research without IRB approval or continuation of research after IRB approval expires is a violation of Hartwick College policy.

One form consisting of three parts is required for a complete submission:

IRB Project Proposal Form (Word document)

Instructions for submission:
1. Download and save the IRB Project Proposal Form to your machine and complete the form for submission to

2. You must submit (1) original hardcopy of your entire submission (Parts 1, 2, and 3) with all relevant attachments.

3. An electronic file of Part 1 and 2 and all relevant attachments must be sent to

4. If you have questions, email

Hartwick investigators have access to online training through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI).

Access the CITI training and follow these directions:
1. Register as a new user.

2. Once you log in as a Hartwick user, you will be routed to our Hartwick training site to specify your curriculum.

3. Select the items that best describe your role and your research, and submit.

4. CITI will automatically route you to a list of training modules available for your review.

Office of Academic Affairs

Bresee Hall Room 205

Monday to Friday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
