Hartwick College student working in environmental chemistry lab with faculty member

Academic Excellence

Together, We Soar.
The Campaign for Hartwick.

Investments in bold new curriculum, institutes, and learning spaces


Success in this increasingly connected and expansive world requires learning that is inspiring, practical, challenging and character-building. That is why a central focus of this campaign is our unyielding commitment to academic excellence. From identifying and recruiting top faculty in their fields, to launching new majors, to ensuring students have state-of-the-art equipment in classrooms, labs and fieldwork, these initiatives will ensure that Hartwick’s name is synonymous with distinction.

Hartwick’s newly launched School of Nursing, including the Clark Simulation Lab, and endowed faculty positions is the result of just such an investment.  It is just one example of what Hartwick can become, and a template for additional growth. 

With the increasing cost of college, it’s more important than ever that we demonstrate the value of a liberal arts education and show how our graduates can solve the world’s complex problems.

Funding Priorities

Hartwick College faculty and student in chemistry lab


A learned  and invested faculty is key to every student’s development in and outside the classroom. Hartwick’s professors must be talented, respected, and engaged leaders in research, pedagogy and service. With your support, we will recruit and retain top talent, fund faculty-student research, and build relationships with new industry partners.

Hartwick College students during alumna presentation about careers in finance and accounting

New Career-Aligned Majors & Minors

To prepare students for the complex global economy, we must stay abreast of innovations in higher education and students’ evolving ambitions. As we identify new learning opportunities, we’ll expand our programs and experiences, such as new travel destinations for J Term’s enriching studies.

Hartwick College nursing students in hospital unit during clinical rotation


Our graduates are second-to-none in their clinical experience and certification rates. Yet, to maintain this high regard, we must continue to invest in state-of-the-art equipment, high-demand faculty and additional professional experiences.

Hartwick College students during Student Showcase exhibition of capstone work

Tools for Success

Regardless of major, students must learn the top technologies in their field. You make this possible when you invest in smart classrooms and labs, and cutting-edge field experience and internships. Your generosity ensures that they will develop modern day proficiencies and stand out as they launch their careers.

This $50 million campaign centers on five areas which we must grow for our graduates to thrive and overcome modern-day challenges to succeed and create a global impact.

Learn about the other four campaign pillars and goals.

Hartwick College students sitting on campus outside Clark Hall on Founders' Way

Together, We Soar

The Campaign for Hartwick

Make Your Campaign Gift Now