News Hartwick College Recognized for Wellness and Safety Efforts

July 29, 2021

Campus Prevention Network’s (CPN) has recognized Hartwick College as one of the first colleges and Campus Prevention Network’s Seal of Prevention.universities to receive its Seal of Prevention. The College earned the accolade for being a higher education institution demonstrating a commitment to digital prevention programs tied to student safety, well-being, and inclusion. The honor underscores Hartwick’s commitment to offering students a robust program of ongoing prevention and safety training.

The CPN Seal of Prevention is awarded by EVERFI, the leading social impact education innovator, and its partner, Parchment, the nation’s leading digital credentialing service. The Seal establishes guidelines for institutions to develop quality online prevention education and implementation practices, and positioning prevention as central to key outcomes, including recruitment, student success, retention, and advancement.

Hartwick’s Director of Wellness and Health Promotion Heidi Tanner says the honor highlights the overall educational curriculum the College provides students. “Since the start of this process, Hartwick has made great strides,” she said of an institutional commitment that’s been building at the College since 2014. “Cross-campus collaboration and ‘buy in’ to the importance of first-year students completing AlcoholEdu and Sexual Assault Prevention courses has increased.”

The College’s Office of Wellness and Health Promotion has worked hard, Tanner said, to build its reputation and credibility as experts in prevention work. “We are now seeing an increase in being invited ‘to the table’ to share insight and to educate about all things wellness,” she said. “We are partnering with many groups and offices to create intentional education opportunities.”

Tanner cites the establishment of a campus Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) working group that stays current with issues like the legalization of cannabis and revising Hartwick Smoke Free policy, makes college-wide policy suggestions, and prepares campus educational presentations.

“Everything we do is in the context of the wellness wheel and the wellness continuum,” Tanner said. “Wellness is holistic and proactive, it is not something that is done to you, but instead something you have to do/pursue for yourself. Prevention education is a form of proactivity. We work to get out ahead of pertinent wellness issues that can have a negative impact on a student’s holistic Hartwick experience.”

“Hartwick has done an exceptional job putting student values first and providing proactive digital prevention education that enables student success, inside and outside the classroom,” said Rob Buelow, senior vice president, Higher Education and Impact, EVERFI. “We are excited to name Hartwick College in the first-ever class of recipients of the CPN Seal of Prevention.”

For more information on the CPN Seal of Prevention, visit the program website.

For more information on the College’s efforts to prevent alcohol abuse and assault on campus, visit its website or contact Tanner at (607) 431-4500 or [email protected].