Art & Art History Special Opportunities

Experiential Learning

Art Studios and Labs

Studio spaces are large and offer both traditional and emerging technologies for students to learn and explore. Class sizes are small to ensure students have easy access to materials, equipment and professors. Studios and labs are open to students over 12 hours a day most days and students get personal studio spaces as seniors.

The Fabrication Lab (FabLab) provides students access to the newest technology used to transfer or cut digital files into materials like wood, plastic, rubber and vinyl. The lab currently hold the following equipment: Glowforge Pro Laser cutter/engraver, X-Carve c-n-c router, Vinyl Cutter, Makerbot Replicator 2, Mini and Formlabs Form 3+ SLA 3D Printer.

Internship Opportunities

Art and art history students have access to a number of creative and research based internships. Students in the past have participated in internships as graphic designers, digital printers, gallery workers, social media coordinators, web designers, market researchers, and studio hands.

Work-study Employment

Students eligible for work-study can work in areas that overlap with their artistic interests in any studio area or the Foreman Gallery. You can gain practical skills during your time at college that will help you in your job search later.

Visiting Artist and Artist in Residence

Every semester Hartwick College invites artists to come to the college to show their work in the Foreman Gallery, give artist lectures, and demonstrate their technique and discuss aesthetics. Art historians are asked to present their research in lectures.

Foreman Gallery

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David Andree
Normandy Alden
Richard Artschwager
Hartmut Austen
Joey Bargsten
Mary Barringer
Christian Benefiel
Jessica Benjamin
Niki Berg
Suzanne Bocanegra
Michael Bramwell
Ann Cannon ’16
Nanette Carter
Autumn Cipala
Ryan Jennings Clark
Naomi Clement
James Riley Cruttenden
Steve Currie
Donna Dennis
John Donovan
Kate Doody
Brian David Downs
Fred Escher
Lynn Estomin
Robert Fichter
Jane Fine
Alvaro Garcia
Ronald Gonzalez
Denise Green
Maren Hassinger
Nancy Holt
Bryan Hopkins
Fritz Horstman
Roxanne Jackson
Garth Johnson
Adam Jennett
Ina Kaur
Martina Lantin
Steve Linn
Meg Luce ’14
Martha Madigan
Joshua McPhee
Nathan Meltz
Duane Michals
Forrest Lesch Middleton
Kay Miller
Yong Soon Min
Anne Elizabeth Moore
Gregg Moore
John Moore
David Naito
Matt Nolan
Aly Ogasian
John Oles
Claudia O’Steen
Olivia Parker
Jesse Petersen
Penney Phillips
J. Morgan Puett
Mark Reamy
Adam Redd
Chris Rochelle ’99
Sal Romano
Juan Sanchez
Gretchen Schermerhorn
Jenny Schmid
Stephen Shaskan
Paul Soldner
Adrienne Spinozzi ’01
Zach Tate
Susan Unterberg
Natalie Waldburger
Kay WalkingStick
Philemona Williamson
John Wood
Ben Yacavone ’14

Department AWARDS & GRANTS

Given to a rising senior deemed the most outstanding and exemplary student in the art and art history programs and whose work has been consistently exceptional in creative expression and/or intellectual depth.

Awarded to superior incoming art students who have demonstrated need by the FAFSA in the hopes of making the Hartwick art program a possibility.

This award is given in honor of the renowned contemporary Flathead-Salish artist and activist Jaune Quick-to-See Smith. It is given to a senior whose painting and multimedia work has been outstanding in experimentation and in visual strength.

The scholarship is awarded to a rising junior demonstrating promise of success in the field of photography and a passion for the medium.

This award is given in honor of the celebrated contemporary Cherokee artist Kay WalkingStick. It is given to a rising senior whose work embodies consistently outstanding accomplishment in painting.

The RAY K Glass Studio Fellowship program is intended to inspire wisdom as well as talent in aspiring young artists. The Fellowship is awarded to a student who has mastered superior glass blowing techniques and has demonstrated strong leadership skills.

Given to rising juniors or seniors exemplifying outstanding contributions to the Department of Art &Art History. During the year following the award, the student completes a special assignment within the department for which she or he receives a financial award.

Twice a year the department holds an open call for art history research and studio art project proposals. Students can be awarded up to $500 for art materials and research travel costs for a specific project.

The following awards are funded by the Semenenko Clark Fund:

Outstanding Senior Exhibition in Art
Outstanding Junior Review in Art
Outstanding First Year Student in Art
Outstanding First Year Student in Art History
Outstanding Junior Art History Research Paper
Outstanding Senior Thesis in Art History
Project Mini Grants


Kappa Pi, Art & Art History National Honors Society

Kappa Pi was brought to Hartwick College by students in the Fall of 2015. It is a national art and art history honors fraternity that promotes excellence in creativity, aesthetic and research. Kappa Pi exposes students to visiting artists and offers trips to art museums and galleries. The group also holds art events that support art and art history students.

Clay Club

Clay Club is a student run campus club centered on the research and creation of ceramics objects. Clay Club brings in visiting artists, holds ceramics sales and helps fund students to go to the National Council on Education for Ceramics (NCECA) conference.


NYC Bus Trip

Once each semester the department reserves a bus to take students down to see the galleries and art museums in New York City.

J Term Overseas

Every year during J Term (a condensed one month long term), the Art and Art History Department offers a study abroad program. Recent programs have been to Hungary, Ireland, England, and Italy.


Harvest Dinner Project & Empty Bowls

Hartwick students make ceramic dinnerware for a two-night farm-to-table dinner and charity auction event. Students staff the event, completing a semester of collaborative, hands-on, service-based learning.

Students participate in Empty Bowls by creating ceramic bowls for a charity event with local restaurants. The greater community is invited to purchase the bowls and enjoy great soup.

Both events raise money for the local food banks.


Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition

Every year the Department of Art and Art History sponsors a juried exhibition of works of art made by students who have taken a course in the department. The exhibition is installed in the Foreman Gallery and is usually held in the fall semester. Prizes for the best works in different media, along with prizes for the best of show, are given at the opening reception.

“Student Group Show” at the Community Arts Network of Oneonta (CANO)

Every year Hartwick Kappa Pi students work with students at the State College at Oneonta to put together a show in downtown Oneonta. The show is juried, hung and presented by students from both colleges.