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Throughout the history of the College, generous donors have made annual and endowed gifts in support of the student experience.
Currently funded scholarships and awards are described here, followed by scholarships planned for the future either through a bequest or a fund building to a permanent endowment.
Established upon receipt of a memorial gift from Mr. Abelove’s daughter, Ann Siegel. The income is used for general scholarship purposes.
Created by former Trustee Bruce Anderson ’63 in memory of his parents. It is awarded to an incoming freshman who demonstrates outstanding academic achievement and who has financial need. It remains with the student for four years.
Awarded to a student who has demonstrated outstanding musicianship and achievement in the field.
Established by Cadet Nursing Corps graduate Harriet Babcock ’46. It is awarded annually to a non-traditional nursing student who demonstrates the professional values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice in clinical practice as well as high academic achievement and financial need.
Named in honor of Professor Emeritus David Baldwin. It is awarded to an African American male with a GPA of 2.5 or above who has demonstrated financial need and is involved in a variety of extra-curricular activities.
Awarded to a student representing the character and values that the Bertuzzis exemplified as the best of the Oneonta community: generosity, caring, concern, involvement, honesty, openness, and personal vibrancy.
Graduates of Oneonta High School with financial need are the intended recipients, although if a qualified one is not available, the graduates of nearby high schools who represent the same values may be selected.
Established through the estate of Donald F. Bishop ’35. It is designed to assist academically able students who intend to study nursing or the sciences. Preference is given to students in the New York towns of Olive and Shandaken in Ulster County along with students from Delaware and Greene Counties.
Established upon the retirement of these longtime Hartwick biology faculty members. It is awarded to a current second year biology student showing outstanding potential for a career in a field related to biology.
Established by Professor Emeritus Daniel Allen H’94 and Constance Hartley Allen ’72 in memory of their daughter. It is given to an outstanding biology student who is interested in research and who is a junior at the time of Honors Convocation.
Established by Sarah “Sally” Bresee in memory of her husband, Clyde F. Bresee. Income from the fund provides a scholarship to a deserving student with financial need who is studying in the departments of economics or business administration.
Established by Marilyn Keyes Roper in memory of her mother, Sarah Keyes Bresee. The scholarship is awarded to a student of color with first preference to a Native American student who may be non-traditional; demonstrated financial need is not required.
Established in 2019 in loving memory of Stephen F. Brophy ’78 by the Brophy Family. The scholarship shall be awarded to Hartwick students in good academic standing, with demonstrated financial need and who are majoring or minoring in English. In recognition of Stephen’s passion for journalism and his role as Editor of Hartwick’s student newspaper, “Hilltops”, first preference shall be given to students writing for the College newspaper.
Established in 2017 to provide a scholarships to students enrolled in the Three-Year Bachelor’s Degree Program or 18-month accelerated nursing program. Students will be selected based on educational achievement, leadership, and academic ability.
Established in his honor by his former student, John C. Doolittle ’80. The scholarship is awarded to one or more continuing mathematics majors for outstanding academic achievement and a high degree of professional promise in the field of mathematics or a mathematics-related career.
Established through the Burchans’ Charitable Trust and are awarded to nursing students with preference given to students from Delaware or Otsego counties (NY).
Established by Dorothy Cenker Baldwin Wicker ’65, PhD. First preference is given to a female physics major with demonstrated financial need and a 3.25 GPA. Second preference is an incoming female student majoring in science, technology, engineering, or math with the required GPA and demonstrated financial need.
Alternatively, any student majoring in the sciences, technology, engineering, or mathematics with demonstrated financial need and a 3.25 GPA may be considered.
Established by Margaret B. Chesebro, a longtime member of Hartwick’s Citizens Board. It is awarded to academically able students maintaining a 3.0 GPA and demonstrating financial need.
Established by Community Bank N.A. The scholarship shall be awarded to Upstate New York or Northeastern Pennsylvania students with demonstrated financial need.
Awarded to a freshman demonstrating financial need and remains with the student through four years at Hartwick. The Class Scholarship is funded by gifts from current students, parents, alumni, and friends of the College and is awarded annually to an entering freshman based on financial need.
Established by alumni, friends, family and colleagues of Professor Emeritus John Clemens. It is awarded annually to a rising senior with financial need, demonstrated leadership, and a GPA of 3.5 or higher in both business administration and overall.
Established by Gertrude Strong Close and is awarded to a student with high scholastic ability and demonstrated financial need.
Established by Wilber National Bank, now Community Bank N.A., to provide scholarships for deserving students from within its service territory.
Established by former Hartwick President Emeritus Richard A. Detweiler and his wife, Carol. The award recognizes the important contribution each international student makes to the education of every Hartwick student by bringing his or her own cultural and life experiences to the Hartwick community. In appreciation of both the accomplishments and special challenges of the international student, this award is given to a current sophomore or junior international student with financial need who has the highest grade point average. The Detweiler Global Fund was originally established by Dr. and Mrs. Richard Detweiler and includes funds contributed by many others who support this belief.
Established by Peter Van de Graaf ’83 in memory of his classmate. It is awarded to a business major with demonstrated financial need.
Established by the Dewar Foundation and is awarded to graduates of Oneonta High School with academic merit and/or financial need with a preference given to students who demonstrate both.
Established with a bequest by the couple, who were Hartwick grandparents as well as alumni. It is awarded to a physics major/math minor selected by the Physics Department.
Awarded to two students in the Hartwick College choir who exemplify the musicianship, personal qualities, and vocal ability that Professor Dox strove for. One rising junior and one rising senior are chosen annually.
Established by their son, Trustee Edward B. Droesch ’82. The scholarship is awarded without restriction other than demonstrated financial need.
Established by their daughter, Hartwick College President Margaret L. Drugovich P’12, and her partner, Elizabeth P. Steele P’12. It honors the opportunity for intellectual growth and career advancement that the President’s parents afforded her as a first generation college student. The scholarship is awarded to a qualified student or students with demonstrated financial need.
Established by family and friends of former Hartwick Board Chair Dr. Jim Elting. The scholarship is awarded to two students with a 3.0 or higher GPA who demonstrate leadership and who plan a career or graduate study in medicine, athletics, sports medicine, physical therapy, sport management, or another area related to medicine, health care or athletics. The recipients will also have demonstrated financial need.
Established to support a student from Montgomery County (NY) with a preference for graduates of Canajoharie Central School.
Established in memory of Dr. Ford, a noted mathematician whose family was originally from Oneonta, by his son, Clinton B. Ford. It is awarded to an academically able student studying natural sciences and demonstrating financial need.
Established in memory of Joseph Fragola P’73 by his daughter, Trustee Kathi Fragola Hochberg ’73, and his wife, Elaine. The scholarship supports a student with demonstrated financial need and may be retained for four years contingent upon academic success and continued financial need. First preference is to award the scholarship to an incoming student declaring a major in French and with demonstrated financial need.
Established by Wilber National Bank, now Community Bank N.A., with a gift from the bank’s Board of Directors. The income provides a scholarship for a business administration major.
Established by Trustee Keith J. Fulmer and Dr. Teresa T. Fulmer. It is awarded to students from the upstate New York area pursuing a major in nursing or business and who have demonstrated financial need.
Established by their grandson, Hartwick Provost Michael Tannenbaum P’14. It will be awarded to first generation students, defined as a student or students with parents whose highest level of education is a high school diploma or less, who has demonstrated financial need.
Established by their son, Brian R. Gareau ’80, and his wife, Patricia A. Gareau. The scholarship is awarded to a first generation student or students, defined as those with parents whose highest level of education is a high school diploma or less. The recipient(s) have demonstrated financial need.
Established by the Gillroy Foundation and is awarded to students residing in New York City with demonstrated academic qualifications and financial need.
Established by their children, Naomi Glass ’52 and Alexander J. Glass. It is awarded to an entering student from an Otsego County (NY) public school with academic achievement. Anna Glass was a housemother at the College in the 1960s and ’70s.
Awarded to a graduate of Worcester Central School, Worcester, NY. Students demonstrating an average or better academic record and financial need may retain the scholarship for their four years at Hartwick College.
Established by Trustee Keith N. Granet ’79 for students with a desire to perform an internship in their area of study and demonstrated financial need.
Established by Kenneth B. Guiseley ’55, P’80 and Elizabeth Schnackenberg Guiseley ’56, P’80. The scholarship is awarded to students majoring in the Division of Physical and Life Sciences, with preference given to chemistry and biochemistry majors with demonstrated financial need.
Established by his nephew, E. Norman McGrattan. The scholarship shall be awarded to students from a rural area of New York State who intend to study a subject that “benefits others”, preferably education, the sciences or the arts (including theatre and music) and have demonstrated financial need.
Established by his daughter, Trustee Carol Ann Hamilton Coughlin ’86, and her husband, Paul J. Coughlin. The scholarship is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need, with preference for students in the social sciences.
Provides partial tuition scholarships to first-year, continuing or transfer students enrolled in Hartwick College’s nursing program and with demonstrated financial need.
Awarded to students from underrepresented groups, generally students who are African American, Latin American, or Native American.
Established by Harry E. Hallenbeck, Jr. ’55 to benefit vocal students with promise and financial need. Mr. Hallenbeck majored in music at Hartwick, furthered his studies at the Boston University School of Music, and sang with the U.S. Army Band at West Point and the Sarah Caldwell Opera Company of Boston, MA.
Established by Dr. and Mrs. Alban Hoopes to provide annual assistance to an outstanding junior history or international relations major with a good academic record and financial need.
Established by Dr. and Mrs. Alban Hoopes in honor of his mother. The award is presented at Honors Convocation to a history major who has an excellent academic record and is planning a career in teaching.
Awarded to a student leader who, like Robert Houghton, was elected by his peers to a position of considerable importance on campus (Student Senate) and who has financial need.
Established by Thomas Hughson, a local businessman and friend of the College, to provide assistance to students from the Oneonta (NY) area.
Established by Trustee Emerita Carol Young Woodard ’50, H’91, P’85. The scholarship is awarded to a rising senior woman on the basis of academic achievement, leadership, and financial need.
Established by Trustee Emeritus John Johnstone Jr. ’54, H’90 and his wife, Claire. It is awarded to students pursuing a major in the physical sciences with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher and demonstrated financial need.
Established by the Alpha Delta Omega Fraternity in memory of their ADO brother. The scholarship is awarded to a rising junior demonstrating promise of success in the field of photography and a passion for the medium. Preference is given to students pursuing a major in art with a concentration in photography or one of the minors in documentary photography or graphic communication.
Established by Dr. and Mrs. Henry R. Junemann in memory of their son. The income is to provide a scholarship to an outstanding music major.
Established by John T. Keene ’36 for a student who demonstrates leadership potential, is active in extracurricular activities, is in good academic standing, and has financial need. First preference is given to students from the Gilbertsville (NY) area, then to students from the Township of Butternuts; otherwise to students from Otsego or Chenango counties.
Established by Herman S. Keiter H’82 and Dorothy H. Keiter to provide scholarship funds for students from Charlotte Valley Central School and Franklin Central School (NY). Mrs. Keiter taught at Charlotte Valley, Delaware Literary Institute (now Franklin Central School) and the former Kellogg Central School.
Established in 2020 by Hartwick alumna Katherine Kyunghe Kim Ph.D ’59, in recognition of the generous scholarship she received to enroll in the nursing program at Hartwick College. This scholarship allowed Dr. Kim to come to the United States from Korea and ultimately earn a Ph.D leading to a long career as a nurse educator. The scholarship shall be awarded to student(s) with demonstrated financial need, in good academic standing (GPA of B or better) and interested in pursuing a career in health care. First preference shall be given to foreign students.
Provides a scholarship to the student who is most deserving, as determined by the Theatre Department. This award was established by John Kingston ’49, P’76 in memory of his son, Thomas.
Established by Edward and Betty Edler in memory of her parents. It is awarded to a junior or senior pre-medical student.
Awarded to a US resident student who has completed one year of studies in nursing and has a GPA of 3.0 or better and a need for financial assistance.
Established in memory of two former members of the Hartwick College mathematics faculty. The award is presented to a freshman or sophomore mathematics major who has done outstanding work.
Established to memorialize Miss Lacey as the founder of the nursing program at Hartwick and its director for nearly 18 years. The scholarship supports a junior nursing student with demonstrated academic achievement and abilities (promise as a future nurse), personal deportment, and other outstanding characteristics.
Established through a bequest by Dr. Lamphere, who had been chair of the Science Department of the Norwich City School System (NY). The scholarship is awarded to a junior chemistry major with an academic average of not less than 3.5, who is active in the Langmuir Chemical Society (the Chem Club).
Established by the Lansings to benefit a worthy incoming or current student.
Awarded to a student from the Bronx (NY) who demonstrates financial need. In his role as a trustee of The Hagedorn Fund, Dr. Lauren supported a variety of projects at Hartwick College.
Established by Trustee Marie Rowe Lauren H’48 in memory of her husband, the Honorable Bertus Clark Lauren. After her death, additional funds were given by her family and friends as a memorial to the couple. The scholarship is awarded to a student from Oneonta or Otsego County (NY) with high achievement.
Awarded to outstanding legacy (child or grandchild of an alumnus/alumna) students with highest academic achievements, preferentially with need. The scholarship remains with the student for four years.
Established by a gift from Florence Bayreuther ’39, who was a music education major when Dr. Leitzell was president of Hartwick College. The fund provides a scholarship to a senior woman music student chosen by the music faculty on the basis of need and ability who has demonstrated commitment to further music study.
Presented to a premed senior with a GPA of 3.6 or higher who has shown commitment, motivation, involvement, and leadership within the Hartwick community. Tammy Linsner ’89 died as a result of an automobile accident while attending medical school.
Established by their children, Stephanie Isgur Long ’84 and Trustee David H. Long ’83. The scholarship is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need, with preference for students with learning accommodations and/or students participating in special education programs.
Established through a bequest from Andrew and Susan Lyon. This scholarship is awarded to students from Bloomville, NY, or Delaware County, NY.
Established by Dr. M. Hebbard MacArthur ’36 in memory of his mother. It is awarded to students residing in rural areas and studying mathematics and science, including pre-medical, pre-dental, and nursing.
Established by Charles ’72 and Carolyn Van Eps Paul ’73 in honor of Dr. Robert E. Mansbach, a retired religion professor. The award is presented at Honors Convocation to student(s) who show particularly outstanding growth in the spirit of liberal education.
Established by Lee and Sue Idleman in honor of their friends, the Mansbachs. This scholarship is awarded to a rising sophomore with a minimum 2.7 GPA; a commitment to the liberal arts; demonstrated financial need; involvement in a community action agency, organization, or institution in Oneonta; and showing promise of continuing that involvement throughout his/her Hartwick College career.
Established by trustee Charlene D. Marx ’77, P’10, P’15 and Allen J. Marx P’10, P’15. The scholarship shall be awarded to students pursuing a nursing major with demonstrated financial need.
Established by family and friends in memory of Al Massari, a former professor of French at Hartwick College. It is presented to a first-year student studying a foreign language.
Awarded to an academically able and financially deserving rising sophomore from western New York.
Established in memory of the late Professor Richard K. Meeker. It is awarded to an outstanding senior majoring in English.
Established in memory of Dr. Behrend Mehrtens, a former professor of religion, and is awarded to a rising junior with demonstrated excellence in music.
Established in her memory by the Michael family. First preference is for graduates of Red Hook Central High School, with secondary preference to students of Dutchess and/or Columbia counties, NY. Demonstrated financial need is preferred, but not required, to be eligible for this scholarship.
Established by Mrs. Miller in memory of her husband, a prominent local businessman and strong supporter of Hartwick College. Recipients are students from Otsego or Delaware counties (NY) who demonstrate academic achievement and financial need.
Established by Deborah Morton P’12 and Franklin L. Morton P’12. The scholarship is awarded to first-generation students with demonstrated financial need.
Awarded in recognition of the academic achievement, character, citizenship, and scholarship need of a nursing or music major. Mrs. Mosher was the daughter of Charles Leitzell, the second president of Hartwick College.
Established by Joan and trustee emeritus Robert H’98 Moyer and is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need with first preference to students from the Oneonta, NY, area.
Established by the couple through the Derrymore Foundation. This scholarship is awarded to graduates of Charlotte Valley Central School (NY).
Established by her family and is awarded to a first-year student who has financial need and an interest in humanities and social service.
Established by the Newman Foundation. This award is for a male full-time student maintaining at least a 3.0 GPA with involvement in community service and demonstrated financial need. Religious affiliation is not a consideration.
Established by the Newman Foundation in honor of Mrs. Nesbitt, a former lay chaplain at Hartwick College. This award is for a female full-time student maintaining at least a 3.0 GPA with involvement in community service and demonstrated financial need. Religious affiliation is not a consideration.
Presented in memory of Dr. Newnham, an award-winning scientist, inventor, and educator. It supports a mathematics major demonstrating outstanding academic achievement, intellectual curiosity, and the intent to pursue a professional career in the field of mathematics.
Awarded annually by the Alumni Association through its Nursing Committee for use during the senior year of study by a nursing student. Selection is based on academic record, participation, and potential as a member of the nursing profession.
Awarded to students from Delaware County studying nursing. Recipients may be full-time, part-time, or non-traditional students.
Established through a bequest from the A. Lindsay and Olive B. O’Connor Trust. It assists worthy nursing students with demonstrated financial need. First preference is given to students from Delaware County, NY.
Established by Frank E. Perrella ’50, H’93. Two awards are made – one to a rising sophomore and one to a rising junior – who have demonstrated academic achievement and promise in the field of history.
Established by Frank E. Perrella ’50, H’93, is awarded to a rising sophomore and a rising junior who have demonstrated academic achievement and promise in the field of business administration.
Established by Frank E. Perrella ’50, H’93. Awards recognize a rising sophomore and a rising junior who have demonstrated academic achievement and promise in the field of music.
Established by the foundation for deserving students demonstrating financial need.
Awarded to students without restriction, but with a preference for graduates of Oneonta High School (NY).
Established by Mary and Steven R. Pruchansky P’10. The scholarship is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need who reside outside of the State of New York.
Awarded to graduates of Stamford Central School, Worcester Central School (NY), or Winchendon Public School (MA). Students must have attended the school from grades 9-12 and be in good standing according to Hartwick College standards.
Established by her son, former Trustee Marcus R. Rowan ’84. The scholarship is awarded to female students majoring in art with demonstrated financial need.
Established in 1996 through the estate of Jeannette Ingham “Trot” Waterman, a good friend of Dorothy Rowe’s. Eva Newton Rowe was Dorothy’s mother and a graduate of Hartwick Seminary.
Established through the trust of Frances E. Rowe to benefit students from Oneonta, NY.
Established by Trustee Rob Rowe ’81 for students with a major in theater, business administration, or minor in finance and demonstrated financial need.
Established in 2018 by the children of C. Douglas Rowley ’41. The scholarship is awarded to a rising junior enrolled in the pre-med program, in good academic standing, and with demonstrated financial need.
Established by former Trustee Lisa Schulmeister Karlin ’78 and is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need from rural counties, with preference given to students from Schoharie County (NY).
Established by her son, Douglas R. Rushing, Ph.D. The scholarship is awarded to female students with demonstrated financial need majoring or minoring in mathematics.
Provides financial support to an economics or business administration major who demonstrates outstanding academic leadership.
Established by the family and friends of former nursing professor and department chair Edna “Perrie” Perrine Saxton ’53. The scholarship supports a rising junior or senior nursing student in either the 3 or 4 year degree program with demonstrated academic excellence and a commitment to improve the health of their community.
Established by Christine Semenenko P’09 to promote excellence in the Department of Art and Art History. Funds support students as they excel in their chosen areas.
Established by Dick Schoof ’50 on the occasion of his 65th class reunion. The scholarship is awarded to a student pursuing pre-medical studies and who has demonstrated financial need.
Established by a bequest from longtime teacher Augusta Hare Shultis ’34. It is awarded to students with distinguished high school or college records in English and/or students from Greene County, New York.
Awarded to continuing, first-year, or transfer students in nursing based on financial need and academic standing in the nursing program.
Awarded to a deserving student from Franklin and/or St. Lawrence Counties in northern New York State, the region in which Everal and Evelyn Smith were born. However, awards shall not be limited to that region.
Established as a memorial by her daughter, Joann S. Rasmussen. Mrs. Spain was a pioneer in nursing and an advocate for improved healthcare who dedicated much of her professional life to the settlement houses of New York City. The scholarship is awarded to a rising junior nursing or health professional major demonstrating academic achievement and financial need.
Established by former Trustee Erna Morgan-McReynolds and her husband, Tom Morgan, to benefit students from the St. Lucia or Anguilla islands of the Caribbean.
Established in memory of Chemistry Professor Dr. Otto Steinbach by both his former student Elizabeth Lamphere ’38 H’97 and his wife Grace Steinbach ’38. The scholarship is awarded to a rising junior or senior chemistry or biochemistry major who has demonstrated high academic achievement.
Established to honor Mr. Thompson for his 50 years of service in banking and his great interest in education. The scholarship is awarded to students from Chenango, Otsego, or Delaware counties (NY).
Established to provide an award to a student associated with an active campus ministry program who demonstrates financial need, scholarship, and leadership.
Established by the VanWoerts to provide general financial aid.
Established by her brother, Joseph G. Waters ’51, and his wife, Barbara R. Waters ’52. The scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Peg Waters’ field of nursing who demonstrate financial need and are in good academic standing.
Established in honor of Dr. Philip Wilder, President of Hartwick College from 1977-1992. The fund provides a scholarship to a rising senior whose career at Hartwick exemplifies outstanding leadership, campus citizenship, and strong academic performance.
Established by J. Kenneth and Alice Yager. The scholarship is awarded to a first-year student raised in Otsego, Delaware, or Schoharie (NY) counties who has maintained at least a B average in high school and demonstrates financial need.
Established by Trustee Emerita Carol Young Woodard ’50, H’91, P’85 and her husband Ralph Woodard P’85 in memory of Carol’s mother. It is awarded annually to an entering freshman woman with demonstrated financial need.
Pending full funding.
Established by Trustee Janet G. Mitchell ’71 in memory of her mother.
Established by alumni of the Class of 1973.
Established by Lore Ferguson ’54.
Established by Susan Pomeroy Holdren ’81 and Scott Holdren ’80.
Established by Betty Cheyne Jones ’53.
Established by Trustee Steven R. Suleski ’76. The scholarship will be awarded to rising senior or junior students with first preference to students living and studying at the Pine Lake Environmental Campus. Students studying any discipline are eligible for this award.
Established by her son, William B. Rogers ’77 and her daughter, Ellen M. Snyder ’81, P’15.
Established by James A. Sidford ’85.
Established by Mr. Ralph Woodard in 2016. It is to be awarded annually to a student demonstrating financial need.
Created by former Trustee Bruce Anderson ’63 in memory of his parents. This scholarship is awarded to students wishing to participate in a Hartwick College off campus January Term Program. Students must demonstrate good academic standing with financial need being preferred, but not required.
Endowed by former Trustee Richard Clapp ’62 and his wife, Carol, to support student pursuit of off campus J Term programs.
Awarded to graduates of Oneonta High School with academic merit and/or financial need with a preference given to students who demonstrate both.
Established by Kenneth W. Dobert ’61 and Maureen Riley Dobert ’63 for students wishing to participate in a Hartwick College off campus January Term program. Students must demonstrate good academic standing with financial need being preferred, but not required.
Established by Trustee Emeritus John Duffy H’00, P’91, P’95 and his wife Anne Duffy P’91, P’95 to support students’ international experiences. These competitive awards help students have the types of global experiences from which they are particularly likely to gain insights into themselves, and others, across national, cultural, and language borders. The scholarships are designed to provide financial assistance to students who might not otherwise be able to afford such an experience.
Established by Trustee Emeritus John Duffy H’00, P’91, P’95 and his wife, Anne Duffy P’91, P’95. The scholarship is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need participating in an off campus J Term program.
Enables Hartwick sophomores, juniors, and seniors to expand their postgraduate career options through international internships. Students from any major are eligible to pursue their interests in an international setting. These internships bear academic credit and can be proposed as an extension of an existing Hartwick course, a research grant, or an individual internship.
Established by former Trustee Sally Griffiths ’88 and her husband, Timothy Herbert. The scholarship is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need participating in an off campus J Term program.
Established by Edward G. Gristing ’65. The scholarship shall be awarded to students with demonstrated financial need and in good academic standing who wish to participate in an off campus study program sponsored by Hartwick College or of his/her own design with faculty advisement through Hartwick’s Independent Study Program. First preference is given to students who have a demonstrated work history or interest in advancing the full legal and/or social equality of the LGBT community.
Established by Wayne S. Harrison ’75, P’07, P’15 and Kathy Harrison P’07, P’15. The scholarship is awarded to students participating in an off campus J Term program and with demonstrated financial need.
Established in 2016 by Dr. Hotaling through a planned gift. The scholarship is awarded to business administration or accounting students with demonstrated financial need participating in an off-campus Business Administration or Accounting off campus J Term Course.
Established by Professor Emerita Dr. Norma Louise Hutman in honor of her parents. The scholarship is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need, in good academic standing (GPA of 3.0 or higher) wishing to participate in an international study program sponsored by Hartwick College or of his/her own design with faculty advisement through Hartwick’s Independent Study Program.
Awarded to a legacy student in good academic standing traveling on a Hartwick College off campus J Term program. Preference is given to juniors or seniors, preferentially with need, but not a requirement.
Funded annually by former Trustee Paul Johnson ’67 and his wife, Christine Winant Johnson ’68. It is awarded to a student from an urban location and/or a disadvantaged community in Massachusetts or New York. The scholarship supports an international off campus J Term experience for a student with high financial need.
Awarded to students wishing to participate in a Hartwick College off campus January Term Program.
Established by Roxanne Pin ’81 in memory of her sister-in-law. It is presented to a nursing student planning to study in Ireland.
Established by Karim Karoui P’15. The scholarship is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need who wish to participate in a Hartwick College off campus January Term program.
Established by Hartwick Board Chair Francis D. Landrey P’06 and his wife, Maureen T. Kilfoyle P’06. The scholarship is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need participating in an off campus J Term program.
Established by the Ronald P. and Susan E. Lynch Foundation and former Trustee Ronald P. Lynch, Jr. ’87. The scholarship is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need participating in an off campus J Term program.
Established by Cyrus Mehri ’83 to provide support to students participating in an off campus J Term experience without restriction other than demonstrated financial need.
Established by Janet G. Mitchell ’71. The scholarship is awarded to students participating in international or off campus J Term study with preference for students with demonstrated financial need.
Established by former Trustee Evelyn Milne Moore ’83 to support students wishing to participate in an Emerson International Internship. Recipients must meet all Emerson International Internship criteria.
Established by former Trustee Nancy M. Morris ’74, H’06 and is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need participating in an off campus J term program.
Established by former Trustee Doug Rivenburgh ’89. The scholarship is awarded to students participating in an off campus J Term program and with demonstrated financial need.
Established by Christine Semenenko P’09 to provide full or partial scholarships for students who are majoring in art or art history to enable them to participate in off campus J Term programs.
Established by alumni, parents and friends of the College. The scholarship is awarded to students participating in the Transcultural Nursing J Term course offered annually in Jamaica, West Indies.
Established by Brian Wilcox ’87 and his wife, Kristen, to be awarded to students participating in an off campus J Term study abroad program, with preference given to students with demonstrated financial need.
Established by Trustee Emeritus Brian R. Wright H’02 and his wife, Josie. The scholarship is awarded to students participating in international or off campus J Term study with preference for international study and students with demonstrated financial need.
Pending full endowment-level funding.
Established by George C. Bruno ’64, H’96. The scholarship will be awarded to students who wish to participate in and meet all criteria for an Emerson International Internship.
Established by alumni of the Class of 1969 for off campus study.
Established by Patricia Dopazo. The scholarship will be awarded to students participating in an off campus J Term program and with demonstrated financial need.
Established by Mary Sapienza Miller ’73 and Neal Miller ’72.
Established by C. Reed Scott ’92 and Lenka Vidvcic Scott. The scholarship shall be awarded to students participating in an off campus J Term program with demonstrated financial need.
Established by Holbrook C. Smith ’91. The scholarship is awarded to students participating in an off campus January Term program with demonstrated financial need.
Established by Timothy C. Taylor ’04. The scholarship shall be awarded to students wishing to participate in an Emerson International Internship. Recipients must meet all Emerson International Internship criteria.
Established by Laurie Zimniewicz, Chair of the Citizens Board and friend of the College.
Established through a bequest from Mary Ann Zook, an outstanding professor of music and music education at Hartwick College from 1963-1988. The scholarship will offer financial assistance to students who are interested in music or wish to study music through a J Term offering.
Awarded annually to an active member of the Greek community at Hartwick College. The scholarship is supported by current students, alumni, parents, and friends of the College. Recipient(s) are selected based on academic achievements, participation in community service, and outstanding service to their fraternity or sorority.
envisioned by Barclay and Sharon Simpson and Simon Baker ’93 and funded by the Simpson PSB Fund to provide students with an immersive internship opportunity. Interested students explore their aspirations in and around social entrepreneurship, innovation and social impact. For those motivated students, this mentored, professional internship opportunity integrates and connects classroom learning experiences with immersive real-world work experiences.
Given to a senior male and a senior female whose four years at Hartwick are a cumulative reflection of excellence in both scholarship and athletics. This award was created in memory of Dr. Frederick M. Binder, former President of Hartwick College.
Awards students enrolled in an approved healthcare related internship with a stipend, which can be used to offset travel and housing costs. The fund also provides a matching tuition grant for tuition credit, to be applied directly to the student’s bill.
Presented annually at Honors Convocation to a returning student who has demonstrated exceptional personal courage. The Award was established by the friends and family of President Drugovich in her honor.
Established in 2017 and is awarded to a student studying nursing and demonstrating financial need.
Established by former Trustee Allen Freedman H’00 and Judy Brick Freedman H’13 to recognize superior student-faculty collaborative work that prepares for a senior project in Applied Geosciences.
Established by the members of the economics and business administration faculty in memory of their student, Linda S. French ’85. This award is made to a graduating senior major who has been a leader in the department.
Established by the Hartwick College Music Department in memory of musician and faculty member Al Gallodoro H’05. The recipient is selected by the Music Department and is honored as a featured performer at the Honors Convocation ceremony.
Established in 1984 in honor of Mr. Goodwin, who served as a Blue Key guide and worked in admissions as a student and continued his work with the Admissions Department after his graduation. The award is presented annually at the Student Leadership Awards.
Goes to a rising junior majoring in English whose strong academic record and enthusiasm for the study of literature point to graduate work in English and a career as a highly successful teacher of English. Joan B. Gratz was a Senior Professor of English at Hartwick; the prize recognizes her 32 years of dedicated teaching.
Established by Stephen L. Green ’59, H’15, PM’05 to challenge students to not only strive for the best academically, but also to become informed and engaged citizens in democracy. Awards are presented to students submitting the top research essays on a current public policy challenge.
Established by former Trustee Robert S. Hanft ’69 and Patricia R. Hanft ’72. The scholarship is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need who are participating in an internship experience.
Established by his student, Michael H. Young ’83. It is awarded annually to a rising sophomore, junior, or senior geology major for academic travel purposes including conferences, J Term programs, or thesis research. Selection is based on academic performance and financial need.
Established by a gift from Dr. Wallace R. Klinger H’90, a former professor, dean, and acting president of Hartwick College, to recognize the most outstanding first year female athlete and provide financial support for women’s athletics.
Established by Cyrus Mehri ’83. It is awarded to one student and his or her faculty mentor with the purpose of presenting programming to the College community that contributes to increasing diverse perspectives on campus. Those considered for the fellowship demonstrate a commitment to pluralism, diversity, and concern for the human condition and/or environs.
Established in 2018 by Trustee Joel Patterson ’96 and his wife, Jamie. The fund provides direct financial support to Hartwick students majoring in the Division of Humanities and the Arts, with first preference given to Media Studies and Theater Arts majors, who wish to gain practical experience in business or in non-traditional humanities professions.
Established in 2018 by Susan Fueshko Perry ’86. The funds are awarded through an application process to students from any major who are conducting science or health-related research under the advisement of a faculty member.
Presented to two members of the graduating class who have demonstrated excellence in the field of mathematics.
Presented to a student who has produced exceptionally creative work for a theatre class or production. Selected by the Theatre Arts faculty, the student receives a seminal text in the subject.
Given by Professor Emeritus of Art Phil Young in honor of the renowned contemporary Flathead-Salish artist and activist Jaune Quik-to-See Smith. It is given to a senior whose painting and multimedia work has been outstanding in experimentation and in visual strength.
Given by Professor Emeritus of Art Phil Young in honor of the celebrated contemporary Cherokee artist Kay WalkingStick. It is given to a rising senior whose work embodies consistently outstanding accomplishment in painting.
Established by the parents of Carol Leigh Wilson in her memory. The award of a bookstore credit is presented to a graduating senior from Ramapo High School who lives in Wyckoff or Franklin Lakes, NJ, or an upperclassman currently attending Hartwick from Ramapo High School.
Established by Gerald and Candace Youngman P’05 in memory of their son. The award is presented to a rising junior or senior economics major for an off-campus internship or J Term experience. The recipient is selected by the economics faculty based on his or her demonstration of strong morals, an established work ethic, an enterprising spirit, engagement with the Hartwick College community and the community at large, and support for his or her fellow students and the faculty of the department.
Right to Decline a Naming Opportunity
The College reserves the right to decline a naming opportunity or terminate existing naming rights for a facility or fund if at any time the donor:
A) fails to conduct himself or herself without due regard to public morals and decency; or
B) commits any act or becomes involved in any situation or occurrence which:
1. degrades the donor in the community in any manner; or
2. brings the donor into public contempt or scandal; or
3. materially and adversely affects the reputation or business of Hartwick College (the College), regardless of whether such information pertaining to items 1, 2 and 3 referenced herein becomes public, then the College shall have the exclusive right to remove donor’s recognition rights as required pursuant to this gift agreement. Further, the College, as recipient of the donation, shall determine in its sole discretion, whether such amounts contributed to the College by the donor shall be returned to the donor.
Hartwick College
P.O. Box 4020
Oneonta, NY 13820