Hardy Chair Lecture
Hartwick's Department of Sociology, Criminology, and Human Services presents the 51st Anniversary Hardy Chair Lecture. The lecture brings notable scholars in the world of sociology or criminal justice to campus to share their expertise and address current topics and issues.
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Walter Dunn, criminal justice advocate and author, presented the
2024 Hardy Chair Lecture.
Walter Dunn
Walter Dunn is a criminal justice advocate and the bestselling author of “Through Innocent Eyes” and “How to Navigate Through the Criminal Justice System”. Living the American dream was all he knew until he was arrested for the first time in his life, lost his case in trial, and was sentenced to 27 years in prison.
While incarcerated, he educated himself and became a certified law clerk. Years later he overturned his sentenced and walked free. Now he shares his story and teaches people how to overcome the hurdles in their lives. Dunn uses his social media platform to speak out against injustice, racial disparity and prison reform. His goal is to help change people’s lives.
Lecture Sponsors
Department of Sociology, Criminology & Human Services
Alpha Phi Sigma’s Pi Gamma Gamma Chapter
Past Hardy Lectures
In addition to past speakers Immanuel Wallerstein, Kai Erikson, John Kitsuse, the most recent include:
Tim Daly, director of the Joyce Foundation’s Gun Violence Prevention & Justice Reform Program, “Preventing School Violence”.
Cheryl Jonson, associate professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at Xavier University, “Preventing School Violence”.
Tom Brindley ’99, P’19 is the Superintendent of Schools for the Oneonta City School District, “Preventing School Violence Panel Discussion”.
Chief Christopher Witzenburg is a 25-year veteran police officer and the current police chief for the City of Oneonta Police Department, “Preventing School Violence Panel Discussion”.
Joel Best, professor of sociology and criminal justice at the University of Delaware, “Facts, Fake, and Other F-Words: Critical Thinking in Contentious Times”.
Amy Fitzgerald, associate professor of criminology from the University of Windsor (Canada), “The Co-occurrence of Animal Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence: Why it Matters”.
Gary LaFree, professor of criminology and criminal justice from the University of Maryland and director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence headquartered at the University of Maryland, “Countering Terrorism: No Simple Solutions” .
For more information, contact Professor of Practice in Criminal Justice, Amber Kerwin, [email protected].