Peaceful Assembly/Protest Policy

Effective Date
January 1, 2019

Revised Date
May 24, 2023


Phone: 607-431-4502


Policy # 5.12: The Peaceful Assembly/Protest Policy provides expectations and guidelines for peaceful assembly and protest on Hartwick College property and at Hartwick College events.

Policy Scope
This policy applies to Hartwick College students and external community members (i.e. guests of the College).

Responsible Office
Student Conduct

Our Code of Student Conduct includes expectations for peaceful assembly and protest and a prohibition of disruptive behavior. These are summarized on the website and in the Peaceful Assembly/Protest Guidelines for Students, which also is referred to in the next two sections.

When students request prior discussion about their desire to engage in peaceful assembly/protest, as invited in our guidelines, discussion will be accompanied by two documents: Peaceful Assembly/Protest Guidelines for Students and Peaceful Assembly/Protest Scheduling Information for Students.

A. It is anticipated that in most situations, the assembly/protest will be planned and not spontaneous. As with other events on campus, an assembly or protest should be registered through the Event Scheduler and Summer Rental Coordinator utilizing Hartlink as the means to obtain permission to hold an event and secure space on campus. Peaceful Assembly/Protest Scheduling Information for Students will assist to guide students through this process.

B. In the event of a spontaneous assembly or protest by students, Campus Safety will have copies of our Peaceful Assembly/Protest Guidelines for Students and will work with the students, calling upon Student Experience for collaboration as needed to review. In order to ensure that behavior falls within the outlined parameters, the assembly/protest may be relocated to a more suitable location (e.g. Frisbee Field).

If the student(s) wish to discuss the concern that underlies the assembly or protest, they may do so with the Office of Student Conduct, who will notify Campus Safety and/or the Associate Vice President for Student Experience or designee, as necessary. The Associate Vice President for Student Experience or designee will ensure that Cabinet members, including but not limited to the President, the Vice Presidents and other appropriate staff, are notified as needed regarding the particulars of the situation.

Campus Safety will monitor the activity and routinely update the Associate Vice President for Student Experience or designee who will ensure that the appropriate Cabinet members, including but not limited to the President, the Vice Presidents and other appropriate staff, are updated of the activity. In the event that students choose not follow the procedures and protocols and therefore are not cooperative, the Vice President for Student Experience or designee will engage the College Emergency Management Plan.

C. In the event of either a request from or a spontaneous assembly or protest by persons external to the college, Campus Safety will have copies of our Peaceful Assembly/Protest Guidelines for Guests and will review it with the individuals to ensure their behavior falls within the outlined parameters and, if necessary, to relocate the assembly/protest to a suitable location (e.g., whatever area has been pre-designated as appropriate for peaceful assembly/protest by guests).

If the external persons wish to discuss the concern that underlies their assembly or protest, Campus Safety or the Student Experience staff will notify the Associate Vice President for Student Experience or designee, as called for in our guidelines, who will respond and speak with them, if possible, or will make arrangements to do so as soon as possible. The Associate Vice President for Student Experience or designee will ensure that Cabinet members, including but not limited to the President, the Vice Presidents and other appropriate staff, are notified as needed regarding the particulars of the situation.

If the external persons are cooperative, Campus Safety will routinely update the Associate Vice President for Student Experience or designee, who will ensure that the appropriate Cabinet Members, are notified as needed in response to the particulars of the situation. If the individuals are not cooperative, the Associate Vice President for Student Experience or designee will, based on their direct engagement or upon notification from Campus Safety, engage the College Emergency Management Plan.

D. As there is potential for a wide range of differences between activities of this nature, each must be assessed and managed on a case-by-case basis. The Associate Vice President for Student Experience or designee, in consultation with Campus Safety, has the ultimate responsibility to determine if a peaceful assembly/protest is disruptive to the normal operations and expectations of the community. In situations where the involved parties do not follow the outlined procedures and protocols and are not cooperative, the College will reference the College Emergency Management Plan for guidance on how to respond to activities of this nature.

E. The Senior Leadership Team also may convene periodic meetings of the College Emergency Management Team to review materials that may be relevant to this work (Responding to Campus Protests: A Practitioner Resource, from the Educational Law Association and NASPA, information from which has informed this present document).

Permission to engage in peaceful assembly or protest at any Hartwick College location does not imply acceptance of or endorsement by the College of the views expressed.