Education Department


The Hartwick College Teacher Education Program prepares teacher candidates to begin their careers with a foundation in research-based learning theory and instructional practices, a commitment to meeting and honoring the educational needs of diverse learners and a dedication to social justice in schools and society.

Our department takes for granted that education is the primary means to life success. Therefore, schools must mitigate against the conditions that threaten equal opportunity and academic achievement for all children regardless of race, ethnicity, ability, religion, income, gender identity or sexual orientation. If schools are to adequately fulfill this responsibility, then teacher training programs play an important role in exposing prospective teachers to the sociocultural issues relevant to the task. Beyond developing a commitment to social justice, students are expected to maintain academic excellence, display a passion for teaching and possess high professional dispositions.

Why Study Education at Hartwick College?

  • Because you will graduate certified to teach in the subject area and grade level of your choice. We offer an Inclusive Elementary Education (1-6) major, certification programs in a wide range of content areas (7-12), Visual Arts (K-12) and Music (K-12). We also offer Educational Studies minors: General, Social Advocacy, and Outdoor Education.
  • Because getting certified to teach at Hartwick College can take you to so many new and exciting places. In addition to teaching in traditional classroom settings, our graduates teach abroad, with incarcerated youth and in outdoor experiential education to name just a few.
  • Because you’ll engage in intensive in-school experiences right from the start. Beginning in the first year, students are immersed in real school settings. Prior to student teaching, students complete at least 420 hours of field experience including one-month in school mini-practicums.
  • Because we are not a teacher factory, students receive a robust liberal arts education that prepares them to be the best in their field with solid skills for lifelong learning and professional success.
  • Because our program has a unique philosophy that blends social justice and advocacy. Our faculty views schools and classrooms as pro-democracy, pro-peace laboratories where teachers make the difference in creating a more fair, just and equitable society.

Please note: Hartwick College focuses on offering fall, January, and spring term undergraduate courses in person, however circumstances may require us to offer a small number of courses in this department through distance education. In times of emergency, following regulatory guidelines, all classes may temporarily need to be delivered through distance education, including online. We also offer a slate of courses online in the summer to help our students make progress towards their degrees. With support from an academic advisor, students needing particular courses may have other online options as well. If you have questions about the way courses are delivered in your program, please contact your Department or Program Chair.

Hartwick College graduate Tamara Auguste '22

"I learned that building a positive relationship with your students is at the core, and I thrive in this. I love doing learning games, interactive lessons, having the entire class laughing as they learn brings me an overwhelming sense of joy. When I left my last placement, I left behind a river of my students' tears because I was someone that listened to them, that could relate to them, that tried to make learning fun for them."

Tatiana Auguste '22

Student Teaching Placement Fall 2022

Hartwick College alumnus Matt Beam in classroom during student teaching

"The Teacher Ed Program prepared me for student teaching by giving me the tools to be successful in the classroom. The program gave me strategies and practice in dealing with different situations and classroom sizes. It allowed me to develop my understanding of what it truly means to be a teacher and how I can improve to become a better teacher. Without the Teacher Ed Program I can almost guarantee I would not be having the successes in the classroom I am today."

Matt T. Beam '22

Student Teaching Placement Fall 2022

Exciting Student Outcomes

Our program has a long history of preparing highly qualified teachers. Hartwick education students complete mini-practicums, student teaching and internships and are well-prepared for certification, employment or graduate school.

Program Completers 2020-2021

All graduates of teacher education programs must pass New York State Certification Exams in order to be granted Initial Certification in Teacher Education to teach in New York State. Hartwick College’s Teacher Education Program is required to publish New York State teacher certification exam pass rate results on a yearly basis.

  • Educating All Students (EAS) Test – 100%
  • edTPA (Replaced with ATS-W in 2020 due to the Covid 19 epidemic) – NA
  • Content Specialty Tests – 100%
  • ATS-W Elementary – 100%
  • ATS-W Secondary – 100%


KAYA, Jaipur, India
Children’s Development Intern
Cilina Jagrup ’19

In Kind, South Africa
Education Technology Intern
Alexandra Sarette, ’21


High School Physics, Academy Charter School, Uniondale, NY
Dylan Ferguson ’22

1st and 2nd grade Special Education, Pleasant Valley Elementary School, Schenectady NY
Taylor King ’22

5th Grade teacher, Laurens Central School, Laurens NY
Omar Nelson ’22

7th Grade Science teacher, Lavelle Preparatory Charter School, Staten Island, NY
Erica Zuritis ’22

Education Certificate Options

At Hartwick, students in our Inclusive Elementary Education major gain experience teaching diverse learners. Students may also complete a program for certification coupled with a content major or major/minor combination in a number of options: adolescent education, special education, visual arts education, and music education.

Inclusive Elementary Education

When you study Inclusive Elementary Education at Hartwick, you’ll be immersed in general and special education settings, priming you for success as an educator who will create a classroom that supports and encourages all students. The major includes:

  • Minimum 540 hours of immersive classroom experience in general and special education settings.
  • Two January Term mini-practicums give you a broad understanding of student needs and experiences.
  • Two seven-week teaching placements.
  • Study abroad opportunities, participate in conferences and work with community education programs.
  • Ongoing personalized professional development.
  • One-on-one support as you prepare for your state certification — wherever you plan to teach. We have reciprocity agreements with many other states.

Adolescent Education

Hartwick offers certification in Adolescent Education (grades 7-12) within the following content areas:

  • Art
  • English
  • Math
  • Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science (with Geology)
  • French, Spanish
  • Social Studies (majors in Anthropology, Economics, History, Political Science)
  • Special Education

Certification Information

To be certified to teach in New York State, a student must complete the requirements set out by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) and by the Department of Education at Hartwick.

The program at Hartwick College leads to an Initial Certificate (pending fulfillment of all requirements by the College and New York State).

To be eligible to continue teaching in the state of New York a teacher must complete the requirements for a Professional certificate within five years after completing the requirements for Initial certification.

Teaching Licensure Reciprocity

Interested in OUr Inclusive Elementary Education Major, Earning teacher certification or a minor in Educational Studies?

Review all the requirements in the College Catalog.

Our professors mentor students through all courses and field experiences.

The Education faculty at Hartwick have a combined thirty-plus years experience teaching in public schools prior to their entering higher education. We come from a wide range of professional backgrounds and that diversity prepares students for just about any setting. Because we are small program we get to know our students intimately and mentor them from our foundational courses through to student teaching and beyond.

Review the current course offerings in the College Catalog.

Special Opportunities

Scholarships to travel and teach, J Term multicultural courses, and an Education Club are but a few special opportunities for Hartwick education students.

Meet Our Faculty

Elizabeth Bloom

Professor of Education

Erin Baxter-Toal

Director of Pine Lake Environmental Campus & Challenge Education

Ross A. Bussell

Assistant Professor and Chair of Education Department

Rachel Rosenberg

Assistant Professor of Education


The Teacher Education program at Hartwick College is a member in good standing of the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP).

Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) Logo
2024 AAQEP Annual Report


Dr. Ross Bussell
Assistant Professor & Department Chair
[email protected]