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Anthropology Special Opportunities
The Anthropology Department offers a summer course (ANTH 421 Field Research in Archaeology) in archaeological excavation methods at Hartwick's Pine Lake Environmental Campus. The month-long course teaches students excavation techniques as well as laboratory skills such as artifact cataloging, artifact analysis, soil identification, mapping, and drawing.
Students excavate in the field five days a week, and work in the laboratory four nights a week processing the objects they have discovered. The field school qualifies students for jobs in federally funded contract archaeology projects.
Excavations take place at the Pine Lake site every other year. The site is located on the flood plain of Charlotte Creek. A Late Archaic camp of the Lamoka culture dating about 3000-1500 BC has been found. Lamoka and Susquehanna Broadspear projectile points, fragments of steatite bowls, and stone lined fire hearths were found. The Pine Lake field school is a joint project between Hartwick College and SUNY Oneonta.
The Anthropology Lab is a multi-functional space enjoyed by faculty members and students alike. The lab offers computers, scanners, printers, and equipment for technical analysis.
The lab and The Yager Museum of Art & Culture house large collections of artifacts from various Hartwick College field schools students may use for research projects or papers. Other lab equipment includes: a slide viewing table, slide projectors, microscopes, drafting tables, a fume hood, maps, and a large collection of hominid fossil casts and modern primate and human skeletons.
The lab is a place where faculty and students can hold classes and meetings, mingle, discuss questions about class work, or have coffee and relax. The lab offers a quiet place to read, write papers, or check e-mail. Work-study students, under the direction of anthropology faculty, use the lab to complete projects such as sorting prehistoric botanical remains, cataloging artifacts, drawing maps, transcribing field notes, and constructing webpages.
Students interested in learning about museums as part of our cultural heritage or as an aid in developing a museum-related career are invited to consider the Museum Studies minor. Coursework for this minor is complemented by the use of the Yager Museum of Art & Culture and permanent collections when appropriate.
Students take Museum Studies courses in conjunction with a major or minor in an academic field most often associated with museums, such as anthropology, art, art history, education, history, management, or one of the sciences. Some students may opt to design their own Individual Student Program. For more information see the Museum Studies Minor page or the Yager Museum of Art & Culture webpage.
Many anthropologists got their start from study-abroad programs–studying abroad can shape academic study, career choices, and be a life-changing experience. A variety of short-term, study, and immersion experiences are available.
Professor Connie Anderson directs one of Hartwick’s most successful and longest-running J Term study-abroad experiences, her famous program in South Africa.
Anthropology students have had high rates of success obtaining these unique funding opportunities from the Duffy Family Ambassador Fund and the Emerson International Internship Scholarship to do research or an internship abroad. Working with a faculty advisor to design a project and then carrying it out can be the highlight of a Hartwick education.
Individually-tailored programs are available for a semester or year-abroad. Please contact anthropology faculty or the Office of Global Education for more details.