AJR Newslink
Site providing 8,000 links to magazines, broadcasters’ news services and newspapers around the U.S. and the world. Also offers journalism professionals weekly articles discussing the current state of affairs in U.S. journalism.
BBC News Online
Current news from BBC, with continuously updated RealPlayer broadcasts from BBC Radio Five and daily broadcasts of the BBC Nine O’Clock News.
CBS News
Top stories of the day from CBS, plus movie reviews, CD-ROM reviews, and links to local CBS affiliates.
Daily transcripts from CNN’s top stories in news, sports, entertainment, etc.
Transcripts and real audio transmissions of C-Span’s television broadcasts. Also available on this page, a congressional directory and C-Span’s television schedule.
Christian Science Monitor
Daily edition of the Christian Science Monitor plus archives of selected stories back to January 1980.
Contemporary Conflicts in Africa
Collection of news and analysis resources on current political, social, and economic problems in African countries. Site is arranged by country (with links to periodicals, background information, etc.) and by broad topic (peace operations, human rights, arms control, etc.)
ESPN Sports
Sports news, scores, and stories provided by ESPN.
FAIR: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
Watchdog organization for fairness in mass media coverage of news events. Covers an extensive array of perceived problems, such as corporate ownership,advertiser influence,telecommunications policy, pressure groups, etc.
News updates from Fox organized by general topic (business, health, sci-tech, news, etc.) and keyword searchable.
Movie Review Query Engine
Search engine for movie reviews.
New York Times
The national newspaper of record. Free regisration to view more content and older articles (1 week backfile only in most cases). Note: Access to the complete NYT is available on ProQuest and Lexis-Nexis (both Hartwick only).
PBS Online News Hour
Transcripts from the Jim Lehrer NewsHour television broadcast. Past several months archived and searchable.
Southern Poverty Law Center
Homepage for the SPLC providing access to information about the history and mission of the organization, its current activities, and reports of existing threats to tolerance. Includes Klanwatch which monitors the Ku Klux Klan, militia organizations and other hate groups.
Vanderbilt Television News Archive
Searchable index to national television newscasts since 1968. Includes descriptive summaries of each broadcast indexed. Nightly news shows as well as special reports and broadcasts are indexed.
Webcrawler Daily News
Selection of pointers to up-to-date news resources. Browse by category of news, i.e., entertainment, U.S. news, international news, etc.