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Food News
News about food from NPR.
Hot Topics: Science of Cooking
From the BBC, timelines on the history of food and information about science and cooking, recipes and nutrition.
Slow Food is an international organization, founded in 1986, to “protect the pleasures of the table from the homogenization of modern fast food and life”. Slow Food promotes “taste education” and sustainable agriculture worldwide, with a special focus on local producers and their products.
Food and Nutrition Information Center
From the National Agricultural Library, includes information about human nutrition. Provides clip art and images, information about eating disorders, vegetarian nutrition, links to food dictionaries and encyclopedias, newsletters about food and nutrition, and much more.
Harvest of Fear
A Nova/Frontline Special Report on genetically modified food.
The World’s Healthiest Food List, A-Z
From the George Mateljan Foundation, includes an alphabetical list with descriptions of the world’s healthiest foods, and information about diet, nutrition, food preparation, meal planning, organic foods, and recipes.
The Food Museum
Exhibits on food history that “examine the past, present and future of the world’s food”, and interpret the social and historical importance of food in cultures around the world. Includes a link to the Potato Museum, exhibits on the School Lunch program in the United States and food mascots, toys and advertising.
The Food Timeline
Developed at the Morris County Library in New Jersey, includes timelines and period recipes.
Not by Bread Alone: America’s Culinary Heritage
This site documents “the history of gastronomy” in America through materials in the collections at Cornell University’s Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections.
America’s Second Harvest
Food Bank network for the United States, includes statistics and other information about hunger. America’s Second Harvest is the largest provider of food assistance in the United States.
Economic Research Service Briefing Room: Food Security in the United States
From the U.S. Department of Agriculture, includes information about food insecurity and its causes in the United States.
The State of Food Insecurity in the World
From the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, includes information on “progress in hunger reduction” and the “prevalence of hunger, food insecurity and vulnerability” throughout the world.
United Nations World Food Programme
Information about hunger, what causes it, where it occurs and how the United Nations is working to combat it and to find long term solutions to it. Includes an interactive world map, statistics and news about hunger worldwide.
Local Harvest
Guide to where to find locally grown, organic foods.
Small Farms Connection
From Washington State University, supports “sustainable community based food and farm systems” in the state of Washington. Includes information about crops, animals, pest management, soils and compost and promotes healthy food, environmental stewardship and sustainability.
Sustainable Table: The Issues
From the Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE), includes information on food additives, animal welfare, factory farming, genetic engineering, heritage foods, slaughterhouses, the loss of family farms and other issues associated with sustainability. Also provides information on how consumers can “shop sustainable” and keep “sustainable kitchens”.
Center for Food Safety
Center for Food Safety (CFS) is a national non-profit public interest and environmental advocacy organization working to protect human health and the environment by curbing the use of harmful food production technologies and by promoting organic and other forms of sustainable agriculture.