Art Full Text (1984—current Ebsco H. W. Wilson)
Indexing coverage begins 1984; abstracting coverage begins 1994 and full-text coverage for selected journals begins in 1997. Includes archaeology, architecture, art history, city planning, crafts, motion pictures, graphic arts, industrial design, interior design, landscape architecture, museology, photography, and related fields. Available through Ebsco.
Large image database covering the areas of art, architecture, the humanities and social sciences. Advanced search tools are available as well as browsing by collection, classification or geography. Click on the box titled ‘Enter the ARTstor digial library’ on top right to start.
Ebsco Academic Search Premier (1975-current)
Designed specifically for academic institutions, Ebsco Academic Search Premier is the world’s largest scholarly, multidisciplinary database, including coverage of over 12,000 journals, with full text for over 4,500 of these, 3,600 of which are peer reviewed publications.
Humanities International Complete (1960s – current Ebsco)
Available on Ebsco, Humanities International Complete provides full text of hundreds of journals, books and other published sources from around the world. The database includes all data from Humanities International Index (over 2,000 titles and 2 million records) plus unique full text content, much of which is not found in other databases.
Search and retrieve the back files of over 575 core scholarly journals from various disciplines including 14 journals for Architecture and Architectural History and 35 journals for Art and Art History. Full-text extends back to the early 20th Cent. for some of the titles covered.