American Religion Data Archive
Collection of data sets relating to American religion. Data sets and codebooks can be downloaded or analyzed online.
Bureau of the Census
Homepage of the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Provides on-line access to numerous population, economic and governmental surveys. See also information on the State and County QuickFacts site.
International Data Base
Statistical tables of demographic and socioeconomic data for 227 countries and areas of the world. ‘Summary demographic’ provides basic country statistics. ‘Online Access’ gives numerous search options, and yet more options are available under ‘Online Demographic Aggregation’. Produced by the US Census.
National Center for Education Statistics
Primary federal organization responsible for collecting statistics relating to education in the United States and other countries.
National Election Studies
Homepage of the Institute of Social Research’s National Election Studies (NES) unit. Provides access to high quality data on voting, public opinion, and political participation. Includes pre- and post- election studies back to 1948.
Survey Research Center
Largest unit of the Institute for Social Research, providing access to data sets such as: Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old (AHEAD), The Health and Retirement Study (HRS), The Michigan Prevention Research Center (MPRC), The Michigan Retirement Research Center (MRRC), The Monitoring the Future Study (MTF), The Panel Study for Income Dynamics(PSID), PSID Child Development Supplement, The Joint Program for Survey Methodology (JPSM), Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques, and Surveys of Consumers.